Tuesday, 29 November 2016

5 Effective Tips to Naturally Get Rid of Pesticides in Fruits and Vegetables

It is a sad fact that most fruits and vegetables we buy at the grocery store are treated and coated with pesticides. Also, the type of vegetable and where it comes from plays a big role in its safety. 

The risk from pesticides on conventional produce varies from very low to very high, depending on the type of produce and on the country where it is grown. The differences can be dramatic. For instance, eating one serving of green beans from the U.S. is 200 times riskier than eating a serving of U.S.-grown broccoli. 

For a full list of what vegetables are considered safe and not safe,click here. The document also outlines the environmental effects of using pesticides.

There are many ways to clean pesticides off of fruits and vegetables. Just a rinse in cold water may not be enough to remove all traces. Take a look below! Removing Pesticides from Fruits and Vegetables Natural Cleansing Spray 

A simple cleaning spray can be made by combining 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 2 tablespoons baking soda in a spray bottle of water. Spray the produce and then wipe it off before consuming. The baking soda and lemon juice clean and sanitize without harming the produce. Remove Peels

If the fruit or the vegetable has a removable peel, peel it off. This will remove most of the toxins. After peeling, give the produce a quick rinse in warm water. This is great for oranges, potatoes, avocados, etc. 

If one has much produce to clean, a vinegar solution may be the best bet. Pour a tablespoon of vinegar into a large bowl of warm water. Let the vegetables soak for a minute, and then rinse them off. This is an excellent way to make sure all one’s produce is safe for consumption. 

Please do share this useful information with your friends and family 

Thursday, 24 November 2016

THIS Is What Happens To Your Face After Washing It With Coconut Oil and Baking Soda!

Part of your daily skin care is using a facial cleanser in order to maintain clean, healthy skin. Many acne–fighting and exfoliating facial cleansers and masks contain little beads to help ”polish” the skin by taking dead layers off, while a creamy and cleaning base should help moisturize and condition.

Instead of spending lots of money on products that may not even work for your skin, you can make your natural cream at home with only two ingredients you probably already have: coconut oil and baking soda. Not only are these two ingredients readily available, they are also highly effective in treating problematic skin. Unlike the chemicals and toxic ingredients in normal store-bought cosmetics, these two ingredients are safe for your skin, and can be eaten as well. This is exactly what you need when finding products to treat the body’s largest organ from both the outside and inside. 
When mixed together, these two products work very well in treating acne, redness, scarring and removing excess dirt, oil and exfoliating dead skin off. The final results are amazing. 

Sodium bicarbonate, or ”baking soda”, is often used in homemade baked goods, as a polishing agent, a deep cleaning and deodorizing agent for household use. It can replace many harsh and toxic household cleaners and provide excellent results.

Baking soda is used as cosmetic (such as teeth and deodorant) as well. It is a natural beauty solution, also highly effective in treating acne. Most often an imbalance in pH can cause skin breakouts, and being an amphoteric compound, baking soda can be used to correct the skin’s pH balance, therefore aid in healing breakouts.

Meanwhile, coconut oil  has antibacterial, healing and moisturizing properties that condition, nourish, and soothe the skin’s blemishes. It is a much gentler product than baking soda, and when mixed together, coconut oil balances out baking soda’s harshness, making it safe for even the most sensitive skin. You can use any kind of natural coconut oil, but  wet-milled traditional virgin coconut oils show better results. 

You’ll only need two ingredients:

-Coconut oil
- Baking soda

To determine the amount of each needed, you first need to know what your skin type is and what results you are going for. For more sensitive skin, use at least a 2:1 ratio of coconut oil to baking soda. If you need more of an exfoliator, use a 1:1 ratio. 

All you need to do is to mix the ingredients together and apply to your skin, wet or dry. You can either leave it on as a mask for a few minutes for an even deeper conditioning treatment, or simply wash off with warm water using gentle circular motions. 

It is better to mix up a little amount at a time when you need it 

Just try this simple, cheap, and effective problematic skin treatment and see for yourself if it isn’t worth it. 

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Wednesday, 5 October 2016

जोड़ों के दर्द में रामबाण है नीम्बू का छिलका – LEMON PEEL CAN SAVE YOU FROM CHRONIC JOINT PAIN

हम जो भी खाते हैं, उसी की तरह बन जाते हैं। यानी की खाना अच्‍छा हो या बुरा, हमारे शरीर पर उसका बहुत प्रभाव पड़ता है। पहले लोगो  को बीमारियाँ बहोत कम होती थी अगर किसी को कोई बिमारी होती भी थी तो 70-80 की उम्र से उपर के लोगों को होती थी |

शयद आपको यह पता ना हो आपके घर में एक ऐसा फल (Fruit) है जो पुराने से पुराने जोड़ों के दर्द CHRONIC JOINT PAIN को ख़त्म कर देगा | जिस फल की हम बात कर रहे है वो कई तरेह के पोषक तत्वों से भरपूर है जैसे के :- magnesium, potassium, calcium, folic acid, pectin, phosphorus, bioflavonoid, vitamin A, C, B1, B6 और इस फल का नाम है ‘निम्बू’ – Lemon | वैसे तो आपने निम्बू के फ्यादों के बारे जरुर सुना होगा लेकिन आपको किसी ने यह नहीं बताया होगा के नीम्बू का छिलका जोड़ो के दर्द से परेशान मरीजों के लिए वरदान है | आज हम आपको बताएगे कैसे आप नीम्बू के छिलके (Lemon Peel) से जोड़ो का पुराना दर्द भी दूर कर सकते हो |
सामग्री :- Ingredient
  • 2 नीम्बू के छिलके – Lemon peel
  • ओलिव आयल – Olive oil
विधि :- Prepration
  • पहले नीम्बू के छिल्को को ग्लास जार में डाल लीजिये और फिर उसमे थोडा सा ओलिव आयल डाल दीजिये और ग्लास जार को अच्छी तरेह बंद करने के बाद दो हफ्तों के लिए इसे वैसे ही छोड़ दें |
  • दो हफ्तों के बाद आपका मिश्रण तयार है किसी भी रेशमी कपड़े में थोडा सा यह मिश्रण डाल कर प्रभावित जगेह पर लगायें तथा बैंडेज से कवर कर लें और पूरी रात इसे अपना काम करने दें |

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Cure Your Varicose Veins with a Mix of Aloe Vera, Carrot and Apple Cider (RECIPE) f

Every person in the world can suffer from this type of health condition and it can be caused by many different factors. It’s very annoying for everyone, as an aesthetic and health problem as well. 

These are the most common causes for varicose veins:

-Lack of exercise 
-Sudden hormonal changes 
-Movement restrictions

Well, the good news is that there are natural homemade remedies to fight the causes of varicose veins and to reduce its symptoms. In this post we are going to show you the best and most effective homemade natural remedy for treating varicose veins. It’s a mixture of aloe vera, carrot and apple cider vinegar, and we will show you how to make it. 

Mixture of Aloe Vera, carrot and apple cider vinegar for varicose veins – 
This mixture is very easy to make and it’s made from available ingredients, which you can buy at any local health store or in the super market. 

-½ cup of chopped carrots
 -½ cup of aloe vera 
-Apple cider vinegar 


First, you need to add the chopped carrots and the cup with aloe vera in a blender. Blend, and while it’s blending, add some apple cider vinegar until you get nice and homogenous mixture. You need to get a mixture, which should be thick as a cream. 

How to use it:

You need to apply the mixture on the affected areas of the legs, and then put your feet up for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, wash the mixture of your legs with cold water. For best results, you need to use this mixture few times every. 

Note: make short walks every day to help your body and improve your blood circulation. And make sure you use this mixture every day, so you can get the desired results. 

If you suffer from this type of health condition, then this is the right remedy for you. And please share it with your friends and family, because someone else might need this recipe as well. Thanks. 

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Tuesday, 13 September 2016

This Is How To Remove Plaque Naturally at Home in Natural Conditions

Plague is a disease that occurs because of bacteria build up that causes inflammation of the gums (gingivitis and periodontitis). Use these homemade remedies to get rid of plague forever.

Are you one of those people that hate the idea of ​​going to the dentist? If you are, you will love these home remedies that will perform same as the dentist himself.

Plaque tends to create tartar when deposited on the teeth for a long time. Plaque is abundant if you consume mushy, soft and sticky foods rich carbohydrates (sweets, white bread, biscuits, candied fruit).

Here are the most effective home remedies to help you to get rid of plague easily in the comfort of your own home:

Recipe 1:

  • 30 grams of walnut shell
  • some water

According to the advice that we find on page healthyfoodstar.com, it is necessary to put the walnut shell in a pot, add water and boil it for 15 minutes. Dip the toothbrush into the resulting mixture and wash her teeth 5 minutes. Repeat this procedure three times, in a day in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Recipe 2:

  • 4 teaspoons of sunflower seeds
  • 4 teaspoons lime flower
  • 1 liter of water
Put the ingredients in a bowl, cover with water and simmer for half an hour. Brush your teeth with this mixture after each meal.

Recipe 3:
Apple cider vinegar can also be used to remove the calculus, but only once a week. Put a little apple cider vinegar in your mouth, gargle and scrub brush your teeth. Spit. Thoroughly rinse the mouth with water to avoid damage to the enamel.

Recipe 4:
Take three tablespoons of leaves of mountain wormwood (Artemisiaabsinthum) then cover with four deciliter fermented wine. Make this mix and it let be covered for two hours. Then strain and brush your teeth with the liquid several times a day. You will have a beautiful and healthy smile without calculus.

Recipe 5:
Baking soda can also help to remove calculus. Put some baking soda on the moistened toothbrush and clean the calculus on your teeth. In a teaspoon of baking soda, also you add a little salt and with this combination brush your teeth.

Monday, 1 August 2016

Drink These 3 Smoothies for Breakfast and Lose Weight Like Crazy

Overweight people usually have excess body fat which may cause additional problems, such as: heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, fatty liver, and it significantly increases the chances for development of cancer.

Foods rich in fiber will satisfy the hunger for a longer period of time and reduce food cravings quite efficiently and also prevent constipation.

Foods rich in protein are especially necessary for losing weight and keeping muscles during the weight loss process. They also boost your energy and give enough strength for your daily activities.

When you feel that you should lose some excess weight, there is never a need to starve yourself. Try replacing your usual breakfast with these three smoothies which will help you lose weight.

Since breakfast is the most important meal in the day, these smoothies will boost your metabolism and wake up your body’s inner capacity for burning fat.

Here are the recipes for the three smoothies that you can prepare for breakfast and lose weight quickly and without too much effort.

1- Ingredients:
  • 1 banana
  • 1 orange
  • 2 tbsp. crushed almonds
  • 2 tbsp. grounded flax seeds
  • 2 fresh or dried figs
  • 1/3 cup water

Squeeze the orange and mix the juice with the remaining ingredients in a blender. Blend until you get a smooth and creamy texture. Consume this smoothie immediately.

Note: If the figs are dried, soak them in water for 30 minutes before blending them.

2- Ingredients:

  • 1 cup raspberries
  • 1 apple
  • 1 banana
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1 tbsp. grounded flax seeds

Place all the ingredients in a blender or a juicer and process well until smooth and creamy. Drink immediately.

Note: Use the apple with its peel only if it is organic, otherwise peel it.

3- Ingredients:

  • 2 kiwi
  • 1 banana
  • 1/2 apple
  • 1 orange
  • 1 tbsp. grounded flax seeds
  • 1 tbsp. ground hazelnuts


Blend all of the ingredients until you get smooth texture. Drink immediately.

Saturday, 30 July 2016


The all-natural home remedies are becoming extremely popular nowadays. Well, why not – when you can use the nature’s healing powers, why you should use the expensive and harmful pharmaceutical products. We all know what’s their biggest goal – to make profit. They don’t really care about people’s lives.

But, let’s get back to our topic. In this article we are going to show you how to make the post powerful and effective home remedy for treating toenail fungus. This remedy is so powerful, so you won’t have to worry about this problem ever again. This remedy is very simple and easy to make, and all you need is 3 ingredients, which you probably already have in your kitchen cabinet.

Ethyl alcohol (90°)

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)

White vinegar

Here’s what you need to do – first you need to mix the hydrogen peroxide and ethyl alcohol in a glass jar (add equal amounts), and then add some white vinegar. Mix well and your remedy is ready to use.

How to use it:
Get a cotton cloth and apply some mixture on it. Then, you need to apply this mixture on the affected area, at least 2 times every day. You need to use this mixture until you get rid of the fundus. You need to be patient, and you will be amazed by the results.

Thanks for reading and don't forget to share with your friends and family.

Sunday, 3 July 2016


Yes, this amazing and super healthy remedy will renew your joints, bones and tendons in just 7 days! And the best thing about this remedy is that it's completely safe and extremely effective. Well, today is your lucky day guys, because today we are going to share this amazing recipe with you. And you should share this amazing recipe with your friends and family members. This homemade remedy is very simple and easy to make. You just have to follow the simple instructions. Here's what you need to do:

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 150 grams' gelatin
  • 50 ml cold water

As we said, you will need 150 grams of edible gelatin - organic and 50 ml of cold water. At night time, you need to mix 2 tablespoons of gelatin with 50 milliliters of cold water. Leave the mixture to sit overnight at room temperature. In the morning, you will notice that the gelatin has turned into jelly. Add something by your choice: juice, milk, yogurt, fruit share, tea, and drink it.

Make sure you use this method for 1 week. This homemade remedy will help you soothe the pain in the back, wrists, legs and neck. After just one week you will feel wonderful and your condition will be improved significantly. The back and joint pain will be completely gone and in just one month you will be pain-free. It's highly recommended for you to repeat this method after 1 month and then again after 6 months. You will restore the natural joint lubrication and you will feel much better than ever. Your back and joint pain will be completely gone!

Why gelatin is so good for your joints?
This type of gelatin, organic, is a natural product. It's mostly obtained from processing bones, tissue and cartilage of big animals. We can also mention that this type of gelatin contains two, extremely powerful amino acids - proline and hydroxyproline. These two amino acids stimulate the growth and improve the structure of the connective tissue, with is necessary in the treatment of joints and weaker bones.

This homemade gelatin remedy can provide many health benefits for you, such as:

Improves complexion
Strengthens joints and your heart
Improves skin and hair structure
Accelerates metabolism
Prevents development of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis
Provides elasticity, strengthens tendons and ligaments
Improves the mental abilities
Has powerful effects in the treatment of dysplasia

So, if you are experiencing any type of joint or back pain, we highly recommend this homemade gelatin remedy. It will help you get rid of the awful pain and you will restore the health of your joints and bones. You will feel amazing just after 1 month! Thanks for reading and please share this article with your friends and family.

Thursday, 16 June 2016

If Your Kidney Is in Danger, the Body Will Give You These 8 Signs!

Located under the rib cage, kidneys are responsible for the removal of waste material and excess fluids from the body. They produce more red blood cells, regulate the electrolyte levels, stabilize blood pressure, and keep bones strong and healthy.
Hence, your health will be in trouble if the kidneys malfunction. This article explains how you can identify and avert issues associated with kidney failure and kidney damage.

1. Swellings

Here are the earliest and most prominent signs:

  • Pressure during urinating
  • Problems urinating
  • Urinating during the night
  • Less frequent urinating in smaller quantities
  • Frequent urinating in large quantities

3. Skin Rash

Kidney failure can be attributed to accumulation of waste in the body, and hence in blood, leading to dry, irritated, and unhealthy skin. This causes skin rashes as well as itchy skin. While lotions and creams can soothe these skin conditions, they definitely can’t solve the internal problem, that is the kidney problems.

4. Shortness of Breath

Shortness of breath may be a common problem, but it is sometimes a manifestation of kidney problem. The body may lack oxygen due to reduced number of red blood cells, which is occasioned by dangerous accumulation of toxins in the lungs.

5. Fatigue

Fatigue appears due to low  production of red blood cells. This can also affect the brain and the muscles.  This is also among the signs of severe anemia.

6. Metallic Taste/Taste of Metal in the Mouth

Waste accumulation in the blood can really change your taste of foods. This can also lead to persistent bad breath. Poor appetite, as well as substantial change in the taste of certain foods, is also a sign of damaged kidneys.

7. Pain

Appearance of acne in your upper back could be a sign of kidney damage. Kidney stones and infections can aggravate the pain even more.

8. Dizziness and Poor Concentration

Bad oxygen blow to the brain is not only a clear symptom of anemia, but also a sign of kidney failure. This normally cause dizziness, lightheadedness, bad concentration and focus, as well as memory issues.
You are advised to include healthier and more antioxidant foods in your diet, to ensure your kidneys work efficiently.
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Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Just One Teaspoon Of This Will Help You Lose 3 Times More Body Fat!

Many people with extra pounds have tried different drinks to get rid of the excess body fat. Most of them faced towards scientific studies that have reveled and proved the benefits and power of spices.

Cumin seeds is one of the most powerful seeds in the reduction of extra pounds. It also lowers the blood pressure, improves liver’s function, digestion, decreases fluid retention and treats skin conditions.
The latest studies have shown that this seed is extremely powerful in the reduction of cholesterol and fat.
Due to its anti-diabetic and anti-cancer properties, it protects the gut, liver, kidneys, boosts the immunity and eliminates the free radicals. 

Cumin and Obesity

Because of the high rate of obesity in America, most of the people are interested in key characteristics of foods. Raised risk of cardiovascular issues and immune dysfunction are often caused by obesity. 

Black Chinese tea, cumin and green tea are proven as excellent fighters against obesity.

The combination between proper workouts and cumin will provide you astonishing synergistic results where you will burn the excess pounds and boost your overall health in no time.

Caution: High amounts of cumin are not recommended for pregnant women. 

Have a nice day and enjoy your body like never before. 

Please do share this useful information with your friends and family 

Sunday, 8 May 2016

Garlic Milk – A Magical Remedy To Relieve You From Sciatica Pain

Sciatica is a pain in the back that goes down to one of the legs, also known as Lumboischialgia, and occurs by pressing the sciatic nerve,the longest nerve in the peripheral nervous system,and stretches from the buttocks to the feet. 
Sciatica is caused by degenerative changes and premature aging of the discs between the vertebrae, but it can also occur due to improper seating and walking, wearing high heels shoes, stretching the muscles, or lifting a heavy load or excess weight. The damaged disc and inflammation of the nerve can cause sciatica.

The most common symptoms are pain and numbness in the lumbar region of the spine that usually occur after some effort, bending and lifting. 

The pain from the lower back goes down through the hip and back of the thighs, the back of the fetlock, the fetlock and to the finger of the foot. 

The pain may be blunt, sharp and strong, temporary or permanent, and each physical effort, coughing, sneezing, is often followed by numbness. The raising of the leg in a supine position leads to stretching of the sciatic nerve and pain. 

 Today, we will reveal a natural remedy for its treatment. 
According to the testimony of many people, this remedy is very simple and effective against sciatica pain. 


4 garlic cloves 
200 mL of milk

To begin with, mince the garlic very well, as if you were going to use it as a seasoning. Then, heat the milk at medium heat and add the minced garlic. Let the mixture cook for a few minutes, letting it boil, and then sweeten it with honey to taste. 

If you want to achieve faster effects, drink 2 dc of this medicine every day. This remedy is simple, fast and extremely healing. 

Please do share this useful information with your friends and family 

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Why You Should Never Throw Away Potato Peels

1. Skin Benefits
Potato peels are great natural bleaching agent. It a has potent bleaching properties that can reduce spots, lighten skin and get rid of tanning. Simply peel a potato and rub the inner surface of the peel on your skin. Make sure the peel is fresh and still has its moisture content. You can even add some lemon juice to the peel. The two ingredients will help bleach your skin. Allow the juice of the peel to stay on your face until it dries and then wash it off with some warm water. Potato slices can also be applied directly under the eyes to get rid of dark circles.

2. Remove Warts
Place the raw potato skin over your wart and cover it with a bandage to hold the potato in its place. Leave the potato bandage overnight and remove it the following morning. Repeat this for one week. 

3. Natural hair coloring agent
Potato peels can be used as natural remedy to darken your hair color. The starch in potato peels acts as a colorant that naturally dye grey hair. 

-Remove the peels for five or six medium to large potatoes. 
-Put the peels in a cooking pot along with 2 cups of water. Bring the water to the boil and then reduce the heat and cook it for around 15-20 minutes. 
-Let the mixture cool down and then strain it over a large bowl. Throw away the peels and keep the water. Store the potato peel-infused water into a clean shampoo bottle. 
-Wash your hair as you usually do with moisturizing products. Allow the conditioner to sit for 1-2 minutes before washing it out. Now massage the potato peel water into your hair. Leave it and don’t wash it out. Repeat this treatment every day, or at least 2-3 times a week for a couple of weeks. 

4. Nutritive Benefits
Potato skins are rich source of iron and potassium. A serving of four potato skins contains 628 milligrams of potassium, or 13 percent of your daily recommended intake. Potassium is a mineral that helps lower blood pressure and improve heart health. Potato skins also provide a source of iron. Iron helps metabolize proteins and plays a role in the production of hemoglobin and red blood cells. A serving of four potato skins boosts your iron intake by 4.9 milligrams, up to 60 percent of the recommended intake. 

5. Blood Sugar Benefits
Leaving the skins on may also lower the effect of potatoes on your blood glucose levels, since the soluble fiber keeps digested food in your stomach longer and slows the rate at which simple sugars enter your bloodstream. Thus, lessens any after-meal rise in blood glucose levels. 

6. Digestive Benefits
Potato peels are good natural sources of both soluble and insoluble fiber. These dietary fiber are necessary for normal bowel function and digestion. 

7. Lowers blood cholesterol
The dietary fiber in potato skin decrease absorption of dietary cholesterol and thereby, lower the level of LDL cholesterol in your blood, reducing the risk for cardiovascular problems.

8. Vitamin-C
Potato along with its skin is one of a good source of antioxidant vitamin, vitamin-C. The skin of potato contributes 60 to 70 percent of the total vitamin C value. Consumption of foods rich in vitamin-C helps body develop stronger immune system and promote overall health. 

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