Sunday, 30 August 2015

7 Reasons To Eat 3 Bananas Per Day – And No They Won’t Make You Fat

1.Bananas Help Boost Bone Mass: The potassium in bananas appears to counteract the bad effects of high-salt diets by preventing bones from decaying at a fast rate, says study author Dr. Deborah Sellmeyer, an assistant adjunct professor of endocrinology and metabolism at the University of California at San Francisco.

2.Depression: According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND amongst people suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating a banana. This is because bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin, known to make you relax, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier.

3.Anemia: High in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood and so helps in cases of anemia.

4.Brain Power: 200 students at a Twickenham (Middlesex) school were helped through their exams this year by eating bananas at breakfast, break, and lunch in a bid to boost their brain power. Research has shown that the potassium-packed fruit can assist learning by making pupils more alert.

5.Hangovers: One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover is to make a banana smoothie, sweetened with honey. The banana calms the stomach and, with the help of the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels.

6.PMS: Forget the pills – eat a banana. The vitamin B6 it contains regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood.

7.Constipation: High in fiber, including bananas in the diet can help restore normal bowel action, helping to overcome the problem without resorting to laxatives.

Saturday, 29 August 2015

Lose 7 Kg In 14 Days: This Diet Will Make Your Summer Happier!

Cucumber diet is ideal for those who doesn’t like to think much about what to eat during the diet. The diet last 10 days and there are a few products that are consumed in that period.

There is an extended alternative of 14 days where people have lost up to 7 kg. ( Physical activity included)

The main product of this diet is the cucumber which can be consumed in any amount when ever you feel hungry.

Other food that you can eat during this diet are:

  ° 2 boiled eggs or 150 grams of tuna (without the oil) or 15 grams grilled white meat.
  ° 2 larger boiled potatoes ( the potatoes can be boiled, baked but not fried) or 3 peaces of whole wheat bread
  ° 0,5 kg of fresh fruits
  ° Liquids: water, tea, coffee (no sugar). No alcohol and soda drinks.

Every meal as well as between meals – feel free to dig in that fresh cucumber salad or make a cucumber shake. You can consume unlimited amounts of both whenever you feel hungry.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

5 Effective Home Remedies to Lose Belly Fat Fast!

some really effective home remedies to lose belly fat: 


You have to detoxify your liver because a stressed liver can not metabolize the fat efficiently and that results in excess of fat around your abdomen. Having lemon water in the morning can benefit the liver by increasing the level of detoxifying enzymes.
Mix some lemon juice with warm water and drink it on an empty stomach everyday in the morning. After having lemon water do not eat or drink anything for at least 30 minutes.


Chia Seeds are very rich in omega-3 fatty acid. Omega 3 acids can help in breaking down fat while reducing fat storage around your stomach. Apart from omega – 3 fatty acids, these chia seeds are also also a good source of anti-oxidants, calcium, iron and other dietary fiber that makes you feel fuller for a longer time. Many diet books suggest that taking 4 – 8 tablespoons (or 1 – 2 oz) of this chia seeds in a day will make you feel less hungry, thus prevents you from overeating and gaining abdominal fat. You can add chia seeds to your smoothies, salads and yogurt. You can even add them to your breakfast cereals. 


Ginger is the natural thermogenic agent which rises the body temperature, thereby burning the fat more effectively. Ginger also helps in digestion. Take 2 glasses of water and boil it with some chopped ginger. After 10 minutes, remove it from stove. Add 1 tps of fresh lemon juice and 1 tps of honey to it. Stir it well and drink it. Ginger tea will improve the digestion process, regulate the metabolism and suppress the cortisol production. Cortisola is steroid hormone that is essential for the energy regulation and also mobilization. Thus, having ginger tea daily can help you in loosing belly fat. 


Garlic has excellent anti-obesity properties that prevents pre- fat cells from getting converted to fat cells. Garlic is also very good for cardiovascular system. To reduce belly fat, chew 3-4 cloves of raw garlic in the morning and drink the lemon water immediately after consuming garlic. Repeat this procedure every morning. Within 2 week’s time frame, you will see the fat getting reduced. 


Cinnamon works as a great fat burner. It can reduce your overall body fat, not just a belly fat. Cinnamon is a natural thermogenic agent that produces heat through metabolic stimulation which can burn fat. You can include a teaspoon of ground cinnamon in your regular diet to increase the metabolism and to lose fat quickly. Take ground cinnamon but not the cinnamon bark oil because this bark oil can lead to ulcers, mouth burning and mouth sores when taken. 

>You can add the cinnamon powder to tea, coffee or any other beverage that you consume everyday. 
>You can also add 1 tbsp of cinnamon powder to lukewarm water and add few drops of fresh lemon juice to it.
>You can also sprinkle the cinnamon powder on salads, muffins, toast, dips and sauces. You will reap the benefits soon. 

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

स्वस्थ रहने के सूत्र

एक स्वस्थ जीवन शैली का चयन करना एक लंबी, अधिक पूरा जीवन हो सकता है। आपके शारीरिक और मानसिक स्वास्थ्य में सुधार से आप के आसपास हर किसी पर एक सकारात्मक प्रभाव पड़ता है। स्वस्थ रहने के विचार से भयभीत होने की जरूरत नहीं है. कुछ छोटे परिवर्तन करने से आपको बड़े परिणाम देखने को मिल सकते है। 
1.प्रतिदिन वॉक करें। अगर हो सके तो फुटबॉल खेलें यह एक प्रकार का एक्सरसाइज ही है।
2.ऑफिस में या कहीं भी जाएं तो लिफ्ट के बदले सीढिय़ों का इस्तेमाल करें।
3.अपने कुत्ते को वॉक पर खुद लेकर जाएं। बच्चों के साथ खेलें, लॉन में नंगे पांव चलें, घर के आसपास पेड़ पौधे लगाऐं, यानि कि वो सब करें जिनसे आप खुद को एक्टिव रख सकें।
ऐसी जगह एक्सरसाइज न करें जहां भीड़भाड़ ज्यादा हो।
4.तले-भुने भोजन, और अन्य फैटी चीजों से परहेज करें यह बहुत से बीमारियों की जड़ होती है।
5.डेयरी प्रोडक्ट्स का सेवन करें। जैसे कि चीज, कॉटेज चीज, दूध और क्रीम का लो फैट प्रोडक्ट आदि।
6.यदि खाना ही है तो, मक्खन ,फैट फ्री चीज और मोयोनीज का लो फैट उत्पाद प्रयोग में लाऐं।
7.तनाव हमारी जिंदगी में काफी निगेटिव असर डालता है। विशेषज्ञों के अनुसार तनाव कम करने के लिए सकारात्मक विचार बहुत मददगार साबित हो सकते हैं।
8.तनाव कम करने के लिए रोज कम से कम आधा घंटा ऐसे काम करें, जिसे करने में आपको मन लगता हो।
9.तनाव कम करने के लिए आप योग का भी सहारा ले सकते हैं।
गुस्सा तनाव बढ़ाने में अहम भूमिका निभाता है इसलिए गुस्सा आने पर स्वंय को शांत करने के लिए एक से दस तक गिनती गिनें।
10.उन लोगों से दूर रहने की कोशिश करें जो आपके तनाव को बढ़ाते हों।
11.धूम्रपान से परहेज करें। धूम्रपान से शरीर और उम्र पर असर तो पड़ता ही है, साथ ही फेफड़ों का कैंसर जैसी खतरनाक बीमारी भी हो सकती है।
धूम्रपान में कमी लाने के लिए उसकी तलब लगने पर सौंफ आदि का सेवन करें।
मार्केट में भी आजकल बहुत से प्रोडक्ट मिलने लगे हैं जो धूम्रपान की तलब को कम करते हैं।
12.सुबह-शाम ताजा भोजन करें।निश्चित समय पर भोजन करें।अनियमित भोजन से दूर रहें।पानी ज्यादा से ज्यादा पिएँ।
13.रात का भोजन सोने से तीन घंटे पहले अवश्य कर लें।खाना खाने के बाद 10 मिनट वज्रासन में अवश्य बैठें।
14.भोजन से पहले व तुरंत बाद पानी पीना हानिकारक है।गरिष्ठ, तले, मसालेदार, खटाईयुक्त भोजन से परहेज करें।
15.अंकुरित अन्न, सलाद, सूप का समावेश भोजन व नाश्ते में अवश्य करें।
केक, पेस्ट्री, आइसक्रीम, डिब्बाबंद भोज्य पदार्थों का सेवन कम से कम करें।


  1. Apples contains powerful antioxidants
Although generally fruits and vegetables contain a lot of antioxidants, apple is rich in many important antioxidant , Quercetin, which improves your immunity preventing various diseases. So eat an apple in the morning or at night before going to bed, let it be a regular ingredient in your morning smoothie, et it instead of snacks  or take it as a snack at work.
  1. Apples are good for the eyes
Studies have shown that only one apple a day can prevent cataracts ( blurring lens of the eye) in the later stage of life. So eating an apple should be your habit.
  1. Apples are rich with natural fibers
Apples are the most faithful friends of your digestive system. Also, they help reducing the blood cholesterol, prevent diarrhea and regulates the stool. Of course, there must be noted that the apple keeps you full, so that one apple is enough for between meals.
  1. Apples help in detoxification of the liver
If the liver is healthy, it easily rejects the toxins from your body. Apples are recommended as part of your diet because are good for the liver. It is a reason plus to eat an apple today.
  1. Apple is good for the heart
As already mentioned, the apple with its natural fibers helps reduce cholesterol in the blood, it keeps your heart healthy. Also, apple helps to prevent occlusion of the arteries which prevents heart attack.
  1. Apples help for greater durability
An apple makes the oxygen to be accessible in the lung, which increases your fitness. Therefore it is useful to eat an apple before any physical activity and exercise.
  1. Apples will help you reduce your weight
When you are hungry ,instead of reaching for chips or cookies, eat an apple. It will keep you satisfied until the next meal which is great for regulating your weight.

Monday, 17 August 2015

6 Exercises To Stop Snoring Permanently

Finally there is a solution for those who snore. Throw away that earplugs and learn something about this new study which gives hope for the snorers, sighers and whistlers among us. 

Here are the 6 exercises they did from the American College of Chest Physicians and Vanessa Leto:

1. First to do is to push the tip of your tongue against the roof of your mouth and slide it for 20 minutes backwards.

2. Suck your tongue upward against the roof of your mouth 20 times.

3. Push the back of your tongue down while keeping the tip touching the inside of your front teeth 20 times.

4. Lift your soft palate and uvula 20 times.

5. Using your index finger, press your cheek muscle away from your teeth 10 times on each side.

6. When you’re eating, bite down, and then lift your tongue to the roof of your mouth as you swallow, without tightening your cheek muscles. 

It is the same like any other exercise if you do not keep up you will not get the benefits. It takes time to improve and lots of exercising. 

Friday, 14 August 2015

The Shocking Facts – This Powder Is Causing Cancer in 10,000 Women

Almost every household is using baby powder, even those without baby. Many women are using it and are claiming that it softens the skins and makes them look younger. 

If you are doing the same, it is better to stop it!
Johnson and Jonson’s baby powder amplifies the possibility of ovarian cancer by 33% in women.
According to the epidemiologist Dr. Daniel Cramer approximately 10.000 women are gaining ovarian cancer by using baby powder on a daily basis.This Powder Is Causing Cancer in 10,000 Women

The Shocking Facts

Back in 1982, studies have proved a relation between baby powder and ovarian cancer in women. The women that used talc based powders are 300 times more vulnerable from cancer.
The research hit mainstream media by the New York Times and obligated big corporation Johnson and Johnson to discover the truth behind their product.

Read and Follow the Labels

If you are holding any baby powder in your home, read the label and the warnings.
At the Johnson and Johnson’s product you will notice that they are warning you not to inhale the powder and to avoid contact with the eyes. What they aren’t warning you is about the talc particle’s ability to stick on the skin for years and travel to your ovaries.
Also there isn’t any warning that talc can cause inflammation and a suitable environment for developing cancer cells.
Although, the big corporation knew about all the risks and dangers that can be caused from their baby powder, they decided that there is no need for warning their costumers for the side effects and the dangerous from this product.

That’s Not All 

It is even worse if you are using the baby powder on your baby. The parents had been warned from the American Academy Pediatrics that using baby powder, particularly talc based, is very risky and dangerous for their babies. Talc can easily become airborne and breathed in which will lead to dried mucous membranes.
This can cause stifling in babies. Some reported cases of pneumonia in kids have been related with previous use of baby powder. You will never read this on the label.

Why Hide the Facts?

The main reason for hiding these facts is the money. No one will buy product related with cancer.
Many trials are obligating the company to change their warning label, with adding a huge “Could Cause Cancer” sticker. Probably it will make them to pull their product from the shelves, finally.

Safe Alternatives

The petroleum jelly is the best option for babies, which will assist in healing a sore bottom. And for you, if you like to have soft skin use the corn starch based baby powder. 

5 Symptoms You Have a Thyroid Problem And 5 Ways To Treat It!

Symptoms for abnormal function of the Thyroid problem:
Excess weight or difficulties with losing weight
Depression, anxiety, and mood swings
Hormone imbalance like low sex drive or irregular periods
Feeling tired constantly, even if you slept for 8 hours
If you are suffering from any of the mentioned symptoms, you should immediately speak with a doctor, and take the needed test to diagnose the problem. For those who believe that they have thyroid gland problems, you can improve your gland with the following easy things.

5 Easy Things to improve your Thyroid
Consume iodine supplements and tyrosine
Go gluten-free
Consume high quality multi-vitamins
Do yoga or another method to deal with stress
Improve your gut health

Powerful Beverages To Treat Arthritis Naturally

Treat Arthritis with juices

According to many people, juices are awesome long-term method for relieving pain in the joints. They can be very effective, and there is no side effects or unintended consequences.
One of the benefits of this method of healing is that, beside the pain elimination, it has holistic effect on the entire body also. It provides and rejuvenates energy. You don’t have to be worry about overdose, because it is completely safe.
These juices can be used as a preventive, and also as a cure in cases of people whose joints have already been affected by arthritis. We are recommending some juices that have big effects in this case:

Pineapple juice

Pineapple juice contain natural enzymes known as bromelain that has anti-inflammatory properties. That’s why it is very good for the health of joints.
This juice is very effective in postoperative swelling, joint pain and sport injuries. Also it is great fuel for our body and it has almost all the necessary vitamins and minerals. The recommended dosage is 300-350 milliliters of pineapple juice per day.

 Cherry juice

Cherries have chemical called anthocyanins that acts as a strong anti-inflammatory agent and can relieve pain caused by arthritis. They also have coper and beta carotene, which have big effect in the healing of the rheumatoid arthritis. 

The juice of raw potato

This is the one of the most effective natural cure for issues caused by arthritis. It is used for ages for these purposes. Traditional method of making this juice is to cut the potatoes on very thin pieces, together with the peel and put them in a glass with water. Leave the mixture to stand over the night. Drink the water on an empty stomach in the morning.


You can make this juices from raw fruits with a blender or juicer, because the bought juices of cherries and pineapple cannot be used as medicine.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Home Remedy for Treating Common Ailments With Cloves

• Prepare a decoction by boiling 5-6 cloves in 30 ml of water. Take this decoction with honey thrice a day as an expectorant. Chewing a clove with common salt also relieves coughing. 
• For treating asthma, soak 2 cloves, 12-15 basil leaves, 10 black pepper in water and boil for 15 minutes. Filter the same. To this, add two tsp honey and drink with milk. 
• Those who suffer from acidity can suck a clove to relieve the uneasiness.
• Prepare a paste of clove with common salt. Drink it with milk to treat headache. 
• Boil 6-7 clove buds along with 15 g aniseed in half a liter of water till it remains one-fourth. Drinking the same with sugar is beneficial in the treatment of coryza.
• Eating a clove in betel (Piper betel) leaf is best remedy for treating catarrh. 
• Clove bud boiled in water and given to a pregnant lady eases vomiting sensation. 
• In cases of nausea and vomiting, prepare a paste by mixing clove powder in honey. Licking the same would ease the problem.
• To remove bad breath, chew Cloves.
• The use of cloves in toothache is a common home remedy. Pressing a clove bud between the jaws, at the site of aching tooth eases the pain.
• Apply clove oil in the cavity of decayed tooth. This would reduce the pain and help to ameliorate infection.
• If you have cough or throat is congested, try chewing roasted clove. It is also a wonderful medicine in cases of inflammation in the pharynx.
• For treating spasmodic coughs during tuberculosis, bronchitis and asthma, mix a few drops of clove oil and garlic in honey. Take this formulation before going to bed. 
• To treat acne, apply a paste of clove powder in honey over the affected area.
• Clove oil taken with sugar is known to cure stomach ache.
• Clove oil works as an effective insect repellent when diluted with water in 1:10 ratio. Spray this solution to keep the insects at bay. 

Simple Ways To Cleanse Your Liver

Liver is the second largest organ of the body, weighing in at around 3 pounds; only the skin is larger and heavier.
The liver is a vital organ which performs many essential functions related to digestion, immunity, metabolism, and the storage of nutrients within the body. It filters and processes blood as it circulates through the body. It is also called the “blood factory” because its job is to eliminate the toxins and impurities from the blood. Junk food is like a poison for the organism. It obstructs liver`s effectiveness in cleaning the poisons and toxins and it reduces the ability of absorbing nutrients and natural-based drugs.

One of the most effective tools for cleansing and detoxification of the liver are raisins.
For this recipe you need natural, organic raisins. They should be dark, black, wrinkled, not too soft or too stiff.
Prepare the recipe in the morning. Soak the raisins in warm water for 15 minutes then rinse them with running water. Put the rinsed raisings into a bowl and pour over them water which was previously boiled, and now cooled to room temperature. Fill the bowl completely and let them soak in until the next morning. Drink the liquid and eat the raisings the next morning after you wake up.
Lie on your back for 2 to 3 hours. Place warm compresses (hot-water bottle) on the right side of the abdomen. Repeat this procedure once a week for over a month, or four times a month, twice a year.

Please do share this useful information with your friends and family by hitting one of the share buttons below. 

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Dragon Fruit – The Most Wanted Healthy Fruit On The World

1.To Feel satiety:
This shake is incredible for each eating routine and when expended you can undoubtedly avoid a feast, and still be loaded with vitality. This shake is arranged in a blender, with a juice of:
1 Dragon Fruit , half avocado, 1 banana, a modest bunch of blueberries, 100ml. coconut milk and a modest bunch of minced nuts.

2.Getting in shape:
For speedier weight loss, and as an expansion to each regimen, you can make a juice of: 1 pitaya, 2 lemons, half tablespoon ginger, a modest bunch of spinach and a juice of 1 apple.

3.Shake for detoxication:
You can make super body cleaning shake if you mix in a blender: a juice of 1 pitaya, 1 banana, 1 handful of blueberries and 1 kiwi; a juice of 1 pitaya, a few strawberries, a peeled kiwi, 1 handful of almonds and pear.

Please do share this useful information with your friends and family by hitting one of the share buttons below. 

How to Grow Eyelashes Long and Healthy?

1.Olive Oil: Apply olive oil to your lashes. This will help them grow longer and stronger. This is one of the best home remedies to get long eyelashes. 

2.Green Tea: Add Green tea leaves to warm water and then apply it to your eye lashes. This promotes healthy lash growth and makes them longer, thicker and stronger. 

3.Trim Your Eyelashes: This really helps. You can trim your lashes once every two to three months. Just trim a small part (1/4th). Trimming your lashes will stimulate the follicle of your eyelashes and makes them grow faster. 

4.Diet: Along with home remedies for long lashes, you must have a balanced diet. A few foods that are great to boost the health of your eyes and eye lashes are: Apples Guavas Most fruits Green vegetables. 

5.A Mix of Olive and Castor Oil: Mix olive oil and castor oil together Now apply the resultant oil on your lashes This will promote eyelash growth.

6.Lemon peels soaked in olive or castor oil: Soak lemon peels for a few days in olive oil or castor oil Apply this to your lashes for growth. 

7.Petroleum Jelly: Pure petroleum jelly (Vaseline) if applied to your lashes regularly at night helps your lashes grow faster and makes them thicker and stronger. 

Four Herbs That Lower Blood Pressure

1.Onions: A Journal of Nutrition study found that the antioxidant flavonol, quercetin, caused subjects to experience a reduction of both their diastolic and systolic pressures compared with subjects who only took a placebo. 

2.Cinnamon: This herb has many health properties, including lowering blood pressure and fighting diabetes. Research subjects who ingested a water soluble form of cinnamon had an increase in the antioxidants that lower blood sugar levels.

3.Cardamom: After taking this herb for only three months, 20 people who were recently diagnosed with severe hypertension saw their blood pressure levels significantly reduced.

4.Garlic: A study at the Clinical Research Center of New Orleans found that allicin, a substance in garlic, helped nine research subjects with severe incidences of hypertension experience its reduction. 

Banana Facemask for Wrinkles

Ingredients needed:
Half a ripe banana
3 teaspoons of yogurt
1 tablespoon of honey

Method of preparation:
Mash the banana and mix it with the other ingredients.
Apply the resulting mask onto your face and let act for about 15 to 20 minutes, before it completely dries. After that you need to wash your face with warm and then with cold water.
Bananas are rich in nutrients that are very useful for the skin. Latest researches have shown that bananas are great for soothing wrinkles.
Yogurt’s milk acid will provide great peeling.
Honey will give your skin the needed hydration.
This face mask fits all types of skin and you can use it on a daily basis, until you notice improvement on your face skin.
Keep in mind that the results will not be noticeable for a day or two – this is a natural mask and its effect is usually slower than factory produced cosmetic products.
If you use the banana mask daily, you will be able to notice the results after three weeks. You will be surprised.

Monday, 10 August 2015

Natural Remedies for Heel Spurs Pain!

1.Oil massage Warm oil massages are extremely beneficial for your feet even under normal circumstances. If you suffer from heel spur pain, warm up a small amount of coconut or olive oil and deeply massage into the heel. You can also use aloe vera to do so. The warm oil will comfort your heels and keep them safe from effects of excessive wear and tear.

2.Herbal tea Natural green tea made of herbs such as Alfalfa leaves have anti-oxidant properties that fight inflammation and boost immunity. Drink regularly to reduce pain and prevent further formation of heel spurs.

3.Ice packs Used for any and every sort of inflammation, try icing your heel as soon as you feel pain after a day of rigorous activity. For better covering of the arch of your foot, try rolling a frozen bottle of water under your feet. Ice packs are also recommended for relief from the heel spur pain. 

4.Apple cider vinegar Already known for its anti-inflammatory properties in the gastrointestinal tract when consumed in small quantities, apple cider vinegar can also be used in warm towel application around the foot to drain the away the pain and discomfort. 

4 Natural Remedies to Relieve Kidney Infections

1.Take Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Whether you eat salad or drink lemonade, adding extra virgin oil should also help in keeping your kidneys healthy. It also flushes toxins away found in the gall bladder and liver. Not many people know this is one of the natural remedies to relieve kidney infections, but now you do.

2.Drink Water with Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey
This may taste nasty but apple cider vinegar, with or without honey, mixed in water for drink is one of the home remedies for kidney infection in men, women, and children. Both ingredients have anti-bacterial properties that purify kidneys. Water, of course, is a great natural solution to flush toxins from the body.
3.Drink Aloe Vera Juice, Parsley Juice, or Cranberry Juice
Cranberry juice is popularly known to cure urinary tract infections. It has the same effect in treating kidney infections. Likewise, parsley and aloe vera juice work in removing toxins and other harmful compounds in the kidney. So stay away from your favourite and healthy beverages for a while and alternate drinking of these juices. All are additional home remedies for kidney infection in men and in women.

4.Drink Herbal Tea
One of the best home remedies for kidney infection during pregnancy for women, men, and children is drinking a glass or two of herbal tea everyday. Certain herbs, which include green herbs, dandelion, corn silk, parsley root, goldenrod, and gravel root, are effective in alleviating symptoms caused by kidney infections and neutralizing the normal function of kidney.

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Here are some shocking facts for the soda.

Just one soda per day increases the risk for diabetes by 85 percent! 

Actually the sugar is more addictive than cocaine

If you drink soda, stopping that bad habit is the best way to improve the health.

Just one additional can of soda can add 15 pounds to the weight in just one year. 

Much better choice is the water, or if you want to drink a carbonated drink, then try sparkling mineral water with a squirt of lemon or lime juice. There is no reason that your children should ever drink soda. Don’t be irresponsible. Cut the soda and take care of your health.

Monday, 3 August 2015

Home Remedies for Facial Hair Removal!

1 tbsp of oats porridge(जई का दलिया)
2 tbsp of lemon juice
2 tbsp of honey
The preparation of the mixture is very simple, so you only need to mix all the ingredients until you get a homogenous mass and apply it to the hair. Let it stay for 15 minutes and then wash it with warm water. It would be perfect to apply face cream after the whole procedure. For the best and fastest results, you have to repeat the method 2-3 times per week and after 30 days you will get the desired results – the hair will disappear forever!!! Enjoy your body like never before.

Sunday, 2 August 2015

5 Foods You Should Avoid If You Have Oily Skin

1. Red meat

Beef, lamb and sausages contain a huge amount of saturated fats which cause obesity, heart diseases and inflammation. Moreover, it is the preparation that affects your health and skin more than the meal. So try baking and boiled dishes rather than deep frying them to avoid oily skin and acne problems.

2. Dairy 

Regular consumption of dairy products leads to acne issues. Moreover, such foods also hasten the ageing process. You can get your daily calcium dose from other green leafy vegetables, paneer and tofu.

3. Added sugars

Limit your consumption of soft drinks, fruit punches, jams, jelly, frozen desserts and commercially baked cakes and pastries. These contain added sugars like corn syrup, maltose and cane sugar with high glycemic index which might offset your blood sugar and hormone levels leading to increases in oil production and high incidence of acne and pimples.

4. Salty snacks

A diet high in sodium damages skin health by increasing inflammation. Salty snacks like potato chips and French fries often contain inflammatory trans fats. What to do? Avoid!

5.Enriched flour

Enriched flour is always stripped of its nutrients and fiber content. As a result, enriched cereals, pastas, breads and baked goods digest less efficiently and have a higher impact on your blood sugar leading to increases in oil production in your skin.